
  1. Definition of stress :

Stress may be defined as the caste of force or loudness with which a sound or syllable is articulated.

Stress can be classified as word stress and sentence stress.

  1. Word stress:

In every  English word of 2 or more than syllables at least one syllable should be articulated with more forcefulness or loudness than the rest, nosotros call this phenomenon give-and-take stress.

  1. Types of Word Stress :

It is possible to distinguish many levels of stress, but from the practical indicate of

view, information technology is sufficient to  distinguish three principal kinds:

(1) Primary stress —-heavily stressed , usu. Marked with a vertical stroke on the upper left hand  corner of a syllable carrying the stress.

(two) Secondary stress —-stressed but subordinate to the master stress , usu. marked with a vertical stroke  on the lower left manus corner of a syllable concerned, equally in |contri|bution.

(three) Double stress /even stress—-Certain English language words take double stress or even stress. Double stress can be marked by a high vertical stroke  earlier

each of the stressed syllables, as in |fif|teen,     |Ber|lin.

There are 2 very of import rules about word stress:

  1. One word, 1 stress. (One word cannot have two stresses. And then if you hear two stresses, you have heard two words, not one word.)
  2. The stress is e'er on a vowel.

Why is Word Stress Important?

Word stress is not used in all languages. Some languages, Japanese or French for case, pronounce each syllable with eq-ual em-pha-sis.

Other languages, English language for example, use give-and-take stress.

Discussion stress is not an optional actress that you tin can add together to the English linguistic communication if y'all want. It ispart of the language! English speakers utilize word stress to communicate quickly and accurately, fifty-fifty in hard weather. If, for example, yous exercise non hear a word clearly, you can yet understand the word considering of theposition of the stress.

Recall once more about the ii wordsphotograph andphotographer. Now imagine that you lot are speaking to somebody by telephone over a very bad line. You cannot hear conspicuously. In fact, you hear only the first two syllables of one of these words,photo…Which word is information technology, photograph or photographer? Of class, with word stress you will know immediately which word it is considering in reality you will hear eitherPHOto… orphoTO… So without hearing the whole give-and-take, you lot probably know what the give-and-take is (Photograph…graph orphotograph…grapher). It'southward magic! (Of course, you besides have the 'context' of your conversation to help you.)

This is a uncomplicated case of how word stress helps us sympathize English. There are many, many other examples, because nosotros use give-and-take stress all the time, without thinking about information technology.

Where exercise I Put Word Stress?

There are some rules about which syllable to stress. But…the rules are rather complicated! Probably the best mode to acquire is from feel. Listen advisedly to spoken English and try to develop a feeling for the "music" of the language.

When you learn a new discussion, you should also learn its stress blueprint. If you keep a vocabulary book, make a annotation to show which syllable is stressed. If you practise not know, y'all tin can await in a lexicon. All dictionaries give the phonetic spelling of a give-and-take. This is where they show which syllable is stressed, ordinarily with an apostrophe (') justearlier or onlyafter the stressed syllable. (The notes at the front of the dictionary will explain the system used.) Look at (and listen to) this case for the give-and-takeplastic. There are 2 syllables. Syllable #i is stressed.

example phonetic spelling:
dictionary A
phonetic spelling:
lexicon B
/plæs'tIk/ /'plæs tIk/

Rules of Word Stress in English

There are two very simple rules about word stress:

  1. 1 discussion has merely one stress. (One word cannot have ii stresses. If yous hear two stresses, you lot hear two words. Two stresses cannot exist one discussion. It is truthful that there can exist a "secondary" stress in some words. But a secondary stress is much smaller than the master [chief] stress, and is simply used in long words.)
  2. Nosotros can only stress vowels, not consonants.

Here are some more, rather complicated, rules that can assistance y'all understand where to put the stress. But exercise not rely on them too much, because there are many exceptions. Information technology is better to attempt to "feel" the music of the language and to add the stress naturally.

1 Stress on first syllable

rule example
Mostii-syllable nouns Export, Mainland china, Tabular array
Most2-syllable adjectives SLENder, CLEVer, HAPpy

ii Stress on last syllable

dominion example
Most2-syllable verbs to preSENT, to export, to make up one's mind, to beGIN

How to pronounce word stress?





